Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ringing in the New Year one Glutinous ball at a time...l (Part 2)

It was the COLDEST night I've ever experienced in Beijing. We were all going to go try this new restaurant that we NEVER had tried. It was called "Xiao Wong Fu". It was located inside an environmental park. And so we were taking a big risk to go walk through a FREEZING park just to go to a restaurant that we were not even sure it was good. But we did go through the scary pitch black park...
Only to find THE GREATEST restaurant we ever experienced in BEIJING! It was totally worth the chilly walk through the eerie park...

The first dish was this fried fish with sweet sauce... MMMMMmmmm

BEST really this crispy layer outside and hot and soft inside tofu with spicy sauce....

The incredible and must-have Beijing Duck

When you put it all together and wrap it up...

XIAO WONG FU Special dessert. Fresh made red bean glutinous roll with powdered peanut powder
We all each couldn't resist and had A LOT. As you can see I loved it sOOoooo much I had to include 2 PICS

1 comment:

  1. yummmmmy. xiao wang fu was soooooo tasty! and once again. I LOVEEEEE beijing.
