Friday, December 18, 2009

Food you need to work for

A while back during the Christmas holidays of 2008. Some of my relatives came to visit us in HK. As HK is very famous for it's large variety of restaurants, we decided to go try one of their Japanese restaurants in Times Square. The place was quite casual and a lot of people were bustling around. The food was good enough for the price we were paying but one of the most interesting things that I remember from this ordinary restaurant was the drink that I ordered.

I just came from work so I wanted to choose something refreshing and also not too fatty. So I chose one of the drinks that involved the description of a zesty grapefruit and cold splash of fizz.

When the drink was nothing but ordinary. It came with a glass of (what looked like ice water) soda water with a stirring stick, half a grapefruit and a juicer saucer plate. So I tried to juice my Ice - hard grapefruit on the juicer. Then with what little juice I got in the saucer I poured it into my iced soda water and stirred it with my stir stick. It tasted like NOTHING...It was the most hard-working drink I had ever had but one thing is for sure, I don't think this drink is anything but fatty!