Thursday, July 8, 2010

Life is like a Box of Chocolates...

Life IS like a box of Chocolates you never know what you're going to get.

But whether or not you like the kind you get, you always love receiving CHOCOLATE! =P***

Leonidas Chocolates (my rate 3.5/5)

Grand Hyatt HK Chocolates (My rate 4/5)

Godiva Gold Collection (my rate: 3/5)

I've tried a lot of different types of chocolates from different chocolatiers, and some of my favorites are: Patchi, Jean-Paul Hevin, and of course La Maison du Chocolat!


  1. yes! chocolate are a girls BEST friend! :D i gobbled up so much watermelon and strawberries right now!! :D theyre REALLY sweet! lol

  2. MMMMM CHOCOLATEEEEE! wow best blog ever!!
