Sunday, January 31, 2010

I "HEART" Taipei (Part 2)

For the second night, we went to a very special teppanyaki restaurant.

It was called Ben's and it was a fusion Japanese and Italian Restaurant.

We had our private room with karaoke area, and bar.

The coolest part was the teppanyaki table because usually it's rectangle shaped but this was circular so everyone could be seated comfortably and we could all see each other!

Me at the circular Teppanyaki table

My sis at the table

One of the first dishes was coming along as a mystery with a lot of steps and process for the sauce and ingredients!

We had a large group so two chefs cooked for us!

This was a mushroom dish that was first sauteed while the green sauce was bubbling beside and then all put together. The green sauce was like a very thick creamy soup with a taste of broccoli or peas and cream.

Then each person ordered their soup. There was the following:

Clear Soup (very clear!)

Pumpkin Soup (VERY GOOD)

Sauce for your food on the left is a type of yellow mustard in light soya sauce and on the right is chopped raw onions in a light soya sauce.

Grilled fish with peppers and mushroom topping served with a foamy white sauce

Asparagus, with fish caviar and abalone

Grilled small lobster with melted cheese!

(It was really refreshing and the sauce was light, creamy and perfect! I wasn't going to eat it at first cos I thought it was weird that it came in the middle of the meal and that it was going to take up stomach space, but I FINISHED IT!)


Small but REALLY goooood melting molten chocolate cake and it went perfectly well with the ice cold vanilla ice cream

The smallest cappuccino EVER!

1 comment:

  1. OH MAN.....those mushroom dishes....

    and that lobster. man, i'm really hungry! cant wait to go eat sushi kuu
